Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Redefining The Traditional Team Model


(By : Prateek Sharma)

From our childhood days, we have been taught to adapt synergism at all stages; sometimes with mutual agreement and sometimes forced, but we all have that spirit running in our veins. 

Being a part of team boosts an individual’s potential to foster a meaningful and fulfilling way of working together. Engaged with a group of people having a common goal, on a worthwhile activity, can prove to be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding aspects of work. 

But what if the team model we knew from all these years is broken? 

By employing clever behavioral economics and considerable motivation factors, a team successfully works together and every member contributes his/her part to the fullest. But it’s not compulsory that each of the member shares great camaraderie with everyone or, say, “were friends”.

For instance, take the technology industry for consideration, where team structure has been given an entire new meaning with the introduction of agile methodology, regular scrum meetings and iterative development. This, along with social media communities, groups, lists and circles, minimized the need for fixed working routines, forced organizational charts and pre-defined seating plans, for the teams to perform better. 

As a consequence, the team rules have been rewritten and member roles are seeing major shift from a fixed to fluid deployment. 

Now is the era of teams who assemble for a fixed purpose, work according to common vision, analyze, plan, build, test, fix, release and then disassemble and perform the same cycle somewhere else and with someone else. 

Withal, being friends with team members could be difficult in this kind of working environment as people are rapidly moved to various teams as per requirements. However, it is quite possible that if any individual don’t feel comfortable in other teams then his/her performance might degrade considerably.

Thus, the need of the hour is that employees sideline their emotions at workplace to successfully adapt to the current culture. However, the sense of teamwork should definitely exist but it must not be confined to just one team. “Comradeship isn’t de rigueur in team for assured success; the team’s success depends on how its members perform together and arrive at their destined goal.”

Prateek Sharma is the Product Owner @TeamWise ( All in one HRMS Solution ), where he is responsible for technically administering and handling all products and features. With over 6 years of experience in software industry, Sharma is a master in applying product development technologies and devising innovative business strategies.