Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Take The Workforce To A Next Level Through Mobile HR Applications

Future workforce cannot be bounded to work in 4 X 4 cubicles. Mobile technology is high on trend while desktops have become a historic commodity.  


The food for thought here, is, how this latent capacity of mobile computing can be leveraged to proliferate, deploy and utilize the human resources in an effective way. As per HR perspective, mobile phones cannot be used to pass basic employee communication or company specific news, etc. But, there is a scope to let the employees use their existing smartphones for generating business e-mail and use HR Mobile Apps for related human resource communications as well as using employee information.

Proliferating Mobile Technology and in-tandem growing mobility of employees as a part of business operations, makes sense to retool the enterprise-based human resource management systems to make them compatible with mobile devices.

In fact, the current technology surveys have figured it out that mobile technology has great ability to drive HR functions. Majority of large organizations have adopted and realized that the mobile applications can bring normal to tremendous improvement in employee performance and connectivity with the organization. 

The objective of organizations of all sizes is very clear and straightforward. All of them more or less want to see improvement in employees’ productivity, better real-time decision-making through access to information, and more employee engagement. This has led to a New Trend where all the organizations think it is highly critical to consider the mobile compatibility while selecting any new HR software.


Thus, technology makers are developing robust versions of HR mobile applications through incorporating core HR functions that can ease out the job of human resource professionals. The application, apart from the routine employee-related functions such as leave and attendance management, etc. has a wider strategic play.  The App is Cloud-Based as well as Mobile Enabled but can also enable employee interactions through interactive self-service functionalities. 

To put it together, mobile related technology has much wider dimension than just the regular HR functions. It encourages a much openly communicated workforce management and better collaboration among the organization and its workforce. Employees can even use the application to socialize among themselves through exchanging information and events taking place in their lives as well as among their departments. With majority of vendors working on the concept, a few like TeamWise have already incorporated the technology in their products and doing tremendously well through delivery results that are business-oriented.