Monday, 20 January 2014

Manage Absenteeism and Avoid Dropping Employee Productivity!

It is really difficult to handle employees within an organization- keep them happy in terms of compensation, manage their tantrums, their personal grievances, etc. etc…phew..!!! That constitutes a wholesome job for poor HR professionals!

Employee attendance is another critical aspect that needs attention to keep absenteeism at bay. Consecutive absenteeism and late coming to office will eventually drop employee productivity as well as pile up work and lead to procrastination. In fact, when an employee takes an unexpected leave, whole team’s work suffers as current work culture moves on a collaborative approach and all the tasks are inter-related, if one delays the tasks, entire project gets delayed.


More often, the basic reason for employee turnover in organizations is non-availability of enough leaves or employee getting warnings for being irregular. Moreover, sometimes, if the leaves are not managed properly than those who have a habit of taking leave, keep taking leaves while those who are regular, keep coming in and facing that entire work burden that is piled up by those absentees. Furthermore, many important tasks and strategy making gets delayed as team members are absent from important team meetings. On the whole, it creates a mammoth trouble for organization if handled improperly

Proper Leave and Attendance Management System must be incorporated within the set-up to make the process of taking leave transparent and the employees should also see how  many leaves they have taken as well as supervisors are aware about those who are regular and who are irregular. This will bring a discipline among employees as well to maintain regularity at WORK.