of the daunting tasks for any manager or supervisor, is to assess and evaluate
his sub-ordinates’ performance. The supervisors are always in a dilemma over
how to manage the performance. That is whether they should keep on providing
feedbacks or should keep it to them for the annual performance appraisal
India, it is not just about the money, the corporate set-up is not untouched by
the inter-personal relationships that people at workplaces share and try to
keep them along with their professional lives. Here, it becomes rather more
difficult as the major concern is to sustain the relationship even if the
manager is not giving a polite feedback or to put in simple words, gives a negative
to maintain a decent professional and personal relationship, managers should
encourage the monthly performance review process. This will also help the
employees understand what mistakes they made and also find a solution to
rectify the issues at hand. This will be a peace making solution as the manager
can give negative feedbacks on one month’s performance and may appreciate the next
month’s performance thereby balancing the performance as well as work
environment. It will also lead to continuous improvement in employees’
performance as they are also concerned about their annual appraisals.
HRMS has an added feature of Monthly Appraisal System that can help the
managers and supervisors to tactfully deal and balance the employee performance
appraisal while maintaining the decorum.